The render object
A Render is what is generated when you render an image or PDF from a template.
On the next step you will learn how to create a render.
Bellow are the basic attributes of a Render.
All other attributes of the object are set by the user at the time of creation.
id string
The unique ID for this object.
width number
The width of the rendered image in pixels.
height number
The height of the rendered image in pixels.
url string
The URL of the render.
status string
The current status of the render: PENDING, COMPLETED or FAILED. Initially the status is PENDING.
format string
The output format of the render.
templateId string
The ID of the template used to generate the render.
templateName string
The name of the template used to generate the render.
createdAt string
The date and time the render was created.
Sample Object
Here’s a sample object of a render:
{ "id": "ce424057-6b54-41bb-afec-adc35a2b9175", "url": "", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "status": "PENDING", "format": "jpg", "templateId": "1f1231-dasd123-fsdf12312-fds4123-asdas23", "templateName": "Sample Template", "createdAt": "2023-10-02T10:00:00.077Z",}