Get Account Information
This endpoint allows you to retrieve information about your account, including your email, name, API usage statistics, and quota details.
Sample Request
Here’s a sample request to get your account information:
GET /v1/account
fetch('', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${API_KEY}` }})
No parameters are required for this endpoint besides the Authorization header with your API key.
The API returns a JSON object with your account details.
{ "email": "", "name": "John Doe", "apiUsage": 150, "apiQuota": 1000, "usagePercentage": 15}
Response Fields
email string
The email address associated with your account.
name string
Your account name.
apiUsage integer
The current number of API credits you’ve used.
apiQuota integer
Your total API credits quota (monthly if you have a paid plan).
usagePercentage integer
The percentage of your API quota that has been used.
plan string
Your current plan.